Client Vetting:
360 VIRTUAL ASSISTANCE reserves the right to accept or reject requests for assistance based upon the nature of those requests. As a rule, we do not accept subjects, content, projects and jobs that do not align with our capabilities, values and policies. For example, we do not honor requests to perform work that promotes criminality, discrimination, hatred, and cruelty to humans or animals.
360 VIRTUAL ASSISTANCE does not discriminate against others on the basis of disability, race, age, gender, or sexual orientation/identification.
Drug-free and Tobacco-free:
The firm's facilities are drug-free and tobacco-free zones.
The Contract is the legal instrument by which 360 VIRTUAL ASSISTANCE agrees to deliver fee-based services to its clients.
Consultations are scheduled by appointment. The initial 10-minute consultation is free. Subsequent consultations may be fee-based.
Confidentiality and Privacy:
Confidentiality and privacy are priorities at 360 VIRTUAL ASSISTANCE. Therefore, we have developed electronic, physical, and managerial procedures to ensure, to the greatest extent possible, that there is no unauthorized or unnecessary disclosure of our clients' personal, proprietary, or copyrighted information. Communications are maintained in confidence by our firm and its assigns. We do not disclose our clients' information to third-parties beyond those that are collaboratively involved in, and legally bound by, contract fulfillment. We do not rent or sell our clients' information.
Cloud-computing, printing, storage, and protection:
360 VIRTUAL ASSISTANCE utilizes cloud-based and non-cloud-based production platforms to prepare, duplicate, transfer, and manage files. To secure the transfer and storage of data, our cloud uses industry-leading SSL encryption technology, firewall protection, intrusion detection, user authentication, and e-shredding. However, we honor our clients' requests to have their content created on non-cloud platforms.
Physical Security:
Access to our administrative office and lab is controlled and monitored. Only authorized personnel can access our facilities, computers, and copiers. Therefore, unscheduled walk-in visits are prohibited. Office visits are arranged strictly by appointment.
Secure Printing, Copying, Scanning, and Faxing:
Because we provide CCaaS (Chain-of-Custody-as-a-Service) to our clients, we take specific steps to protect the confidentiality and integrity of our clients' data and media:
Our Xerox press is Common Criteria Certified.
Authentication is required for access to our computers and copiers.
Internal Security Audit Logs permit tracking of activity at our Xerox devices and logging of transfers of Personally Identifiable Information.
Our Xerox copiers have firewalls that restrict access via IP address filtering, domain filtering and port blocking.
Data Encryption: files saved to, and read from, our Xerox hard drives are encrypted.
Image Overwrite Security: our Xerox copiers electronically erase data that has been processed to hard drives in print, copy, scan, and fax modes, using a three-pass algorithm specified by U.S. Department of Defense Directive 5200.28-M.
Utilization of Xerox technology ensures our compliance with security standards in the government, military, health (HIPAA), legal (Sarbanes-Oxley), financial (Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act), and pharmaceutical (FDA 21 CFR Part 11) sectors.
Pre-flight (prior to printing), clients bear the responsibility of proofing and validating the accuracy of their content. Consequently, no refunds will be issued. Fees must be paid prior to the start of pre-press work or printing.
Same-day Service:
Depending upon the nature of your project, your deadline, and our job queue, we may be able to provide same-day service. However, you must call ahead to discuss this possibility. Contingent services will exact a surcharge representing 50% of the base service rate.